
2022 剧情片 其它
  一个无风的盛夏,曾为作家的房仲周迅生,迎来一位房客,一个清澈稚嫩、热衷在生活中表演的剧场演员,他很快地成为迅生观察的对象。而在舞台剧《海鸥》上演前,演员痛失角色,却发现自己活成了迅生小说中的主角。一名渴望被凝视的演员,一名只能寄情于文字狂想的作家,戏里戏外,在不同角色间 困惑混淆,释放欲望。导演孔庆辉游走于多重文本与身份,辩证真实与虚假。
2023 科幻片 其它
  An audio-visual postcard that director Viera Čákanyová sends to the future, based on her fictional conversation with her future virtual copy. She playfully and intimately explores the potential of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence in solving complex man-made global problems such as climate change or the crisis of parliamentary democracy. From a curious and critical perspective, she questions the ideal techno-optimistic model of the future and offers a window into an unspecified future where some technologies behave randomly or negatively. By combining super 8, 16mm footage on film stock, special lidar scan technology and point cloud methods, she highlights the tension between analogue and digital future of humanity.
2023 剧情片 其它
2024 恐怖片 其它
  18th century Austria. A woman is sentenced to death after killing a baby. Agnes is marrying her loved one. But day after day, she feels increasingly trapped in a path leading to evil thoughts. Maybe not just thoughts…
2023 恐怖片 其它
  After his father was beheaded by ninjas in Banyuwangi '98, Rahayu was traumatized to the point where he found it difficult to concentrate on his prayers due to interference from the khanzab.
2011 欧美动漫 其它
1999 剧情片 其它
  安纳托利亚的大地充满灵气,人间的龃龉却为它添上哀愁。老父担忧种满白杨树的林地会被政府没收,他恳切的眸子盛载过叶子间洒下的春意。儿子回家乡找拍片题材,叫齐亲朋戚友权充演员,一心想把大自然凝定在画面上。九岁的侄儿随身袋著一只鸡蛋,要安然渡过四十天,好让其父放心给他买只音乐手表。  导演舍兰(Nuri Bilge Ceylan)回味著上次回乡拍摄《小城岁月》的日子,诉说牵动人心的一些小事,亲自拍下激情暗涌的平民面孔(片中双亲是他父母),镜头的呼吸与心眼的张望同步,媲美伊朗的基阿鲁斯达米,在国内外赢得共十七个奖项。
2004 恐怖片 其它
2024 剧情片 其它
  A carpenter Metin Ali (Alperen Duymaz) and Gokce, (Funda Eryigit) the wife of the owner of the publishing house. Gokce will immerse herself in the world created by the book she has received, and her life will be moved to another dimension with the carpenter she is chasing.
2019 战争片 其它
2022 剧情片 其它
2020 恐怖片 其它
2022 喜剧片 其它
  In Rome it hasn’t rained for three years and the lack of water is overturning rules and habits. Through the city dying of thirst and prohibitions moves a chorus of people, young and old, marginalised and successful, victims and profiteers. Their lives are linked in a single design, while each seeks his or her deliverance.
2023 剧情片 其它
2023 恐怖片 其它
  Gone Ghosting是一个受欢迎的捉鬼团队,通过直播和销售赚取了数百万美元。一天,团队的摄影师离开并泄露团队编造剧情。其他年轻人为了证明一切是属实,准备现场直播捉鬼。他们闯入一个传说中无人生还的地方,进行了有史以来最疯狂的现场直播。
2019 剧情片 其它
  Jasmine takes her newfound doggy friend Happy on a long journey to her sick grandmother in Baguio. The two walk an incredible distance, face all kinds of challenges, run into many strangers and help them along the way. Her grandmother had been ill once and then a dog helped her to recover - maybe this time Happy the one.
2020 欧美剧 其它
2023 喜剧片 其它
2023 剧情片 其它
2014 恐怖片 其它
  Öznur is a young and beautiful woman. She has had a platonic love since childhood to Kudret, who is her cousin. Kudret, however, is married to a woman named Nisa and is very happy. Jealous, Öznur uses terrible black magic to change this so that she and Kudret will be together. However, she is not prepared for the evil that this spell unleashes.
2015 恐怖片 其它
  A woman has had her little child squashed and killed after the jins have turned the cabinet over him as she found out that this was not a coincidence or a matter of death and life rather a malignant black magic has been hatched to hunt their family.
2016 恐怖片 其它
2017 恐怖片 其它
  Due to financial problems, Yilmaz family moves in their grandmother Saadet's house. But Saadet is not living alone as known. Saadet's old house, which is also a tomb of her deceased husband, is inhabited by beings from another dimension. And this beings don't want anyone in the house, but Saadet.
2018 恐怖片 其它
  Siccin 5 tells the story of a family returning to their nightmare after the ceremony that took place years ago. Hale is a young girl of 12 years old and lives in a historic house in Nevsehir- Turkey with her family.
2019 恐怖片 其它
  Yaşar, a young man, has a hard time after his father's death. His inheritance from his father causes Yaşar to have problems with his stepmother. Meanwhile, Yaşar learns that her sister-in-law, Canan, who is living in the same house, is in love with her. While Yaşar is dealing with the inheritance issue and his sister-in-law, he realizes that there are some strange events at home. Yasar's mentally disordered daughter Efsun's dark past is unearthed, making things even more complicated. The pain of the family, who had to face the dark past of Efsun, is just the beginning for them.
2014 动作片 其它
1975 剧情片 其它
  Mid-August in Paris (the title is a date: August 15) in a sunny, quiet apartment a young woman talks, thinks, reflects about herself, everyday life and little events in a long, uninterrupted monologue. The camera pictures her and her gestures in long, fixed shots moving around the rooms, the space, the light and shadows of a summer day.
2023 剧情片 其它
2023 恐怖片 其它
2015 战争片 其它
  A stunning nightclub singer engages in a battle of wits and deception with two lovers in a bid to escape a rapidly collapsing city under siege. Super cool style and razor sharp action drive this rich, noir thriller
2023 爱情片 其它
2009 喜剧片 其它
  本片可以看做“菲律宾版《喜宴》”,Noel和Mark一对身处纽约的菲律宾情侣,两人平淡而幸福的生活却因为Mark母亲的一次拜访而扰乱,而且这次 “拜访”看似要长期居住让两人很苦恼,并非母亲不知儿子是同志而是不满意这位未曾见面的“儿媳”,Noel很想讨“岳母”的欢心却得到了百般刁难~在相处的过程中两人发现了只要真诚相待就会互相理解和宽容,快乐时光总是短暂的其实Noel一直有病在身并且复发,Noel虽然战胜了病魔但最终也无法阻止死神的到来,Noel和Mark母亲的感情在冲突中彼此增进,最后两人放开一切摒弃前嫌走向了新的生活,这是一部平淡的电影但并不是一部乏味的电影,有欢笑有感动而且会带给我们很多思考。请静静的欣赏本片吧。BY---OACFAN
2016 欧美剧 其它
  Ali Nejat Karasu is a former race-driver and a playboy turned into a businessman. He runs Karas Holdings which is part of a group his father built while making a fortune in ship building. His real passion is still cars and he dreams of launching a new car. While on business trip in Italy with his friend Ayhan, they come across Naz, a charming pediatrician who makes an impression on both of them. Due to unforeseen circumstances Ali Nejat finds himself as a single father to his previously unknown son, Kaan. While trying to balance his life as a new father and a businessman, Ali Nejat ends up leaning on Naz for help. Naz, whom Kaan has met before, becomes important person in their lives. Umut, Naz's husband, works as a mechanic with Genco and Isot in a small local garage which is struggling to stay in business. His skills as a designer gets the attention of Ali Nejat, who hires him as a designer for his car project. Bad decisions in business keep haunting Umut and Genco, and cause a ...
2024 剧情片 其它
2023 剧情片 其它
2023 恐怖片 其它
  A tragic actress hung herself in front of a shocked theatre audience. Now she haunts the theatre where she took her own life.
2016 剧情片 其它
  故事发生在1983年的捷克斯洛伐克,玛丽(苏珊娜·莫拉利 Zuzana Maurery 饰)是这里的一间小学新来的老师,她格外严厉的行事风格和对学生的铁腕统治手段令她刚到这所学校没多久,就已经惹上了不少的麻烦。玛丽对待学生非常的严苛,甚至会对他们进行体罚,她毫无顾忌的发泄着自己的情绪,完全不顾及教师的身份,只因为她有着很硬的后台和灵活的社交手腕。  在玛丽的影响之下,一件轰动校园的学生自杀事件让校长决定再也不能对她坐视不管,他联合了家长委员会,试图牵制玛丽的权利。但很显然,善良又有些软弱的校长完全不是玛丽的对手。
1978 恐怖片 其它
  Another brilliant giallo thriller from director Francesco Barilli, whose THE PERFUME OF THE LADY IN BLACK was one of the genre's most haunting and original films. This Italian-Spanish follow-up is a bit muddled, but no less engrossing.  Set in a family hotel in Northern Italy in 1945, the film concerns Rosa (Leonora Fani), who helps her mother run the hotel while awaiting her soldier father's return from the front. In a Barilli film, nothing is as it seems, and before long Mom (who is sleeping with a traitor she's hidden in the attic) is murdered. Then poor Rosa is raped by two of the guests, who also are murdered, and while she's hiding the bodies she is forced into an orgy by all of the other guests. But before the guests get to far a mysterious man enters all shots the guests. Who is this mysterious man and what are his intentions for Rosa?  Like all the best gialli, Pensione Paura completely dispenses with logic early on, elevating weirdness to nearly operatic levels while absorbing the viewer in a thick and spellbinding atmosphere of mounting dread. Francisco Rabal co-stars with Luc Merenda, Lidia Biondi, and Jose Maria Prada.
2023 恐怖片 其它
  Raina's life was threatened after she opened the door and entered an unnumbered room in the hotel managed by her sister, Fey. The figure of a woman with white hair and skin also made her presence known.
2023 喜剧片 其它
  霍莉幸运地在一场致命大火发生的当天逃学了,她的直觉很可能救了她的命。而且她的直觉似乎还带有一种神奇的力量,可以帮助悲伤的人,这让霍莉这个不合群的高中生有了一种归属感,也获得了一种新发现的力量。  霍莉经常被人欺负——她看起来怪怪的,不经常洗澡,承受着每个 15 岁高中女生都会面临的压力。火灾发生后,一位老师感受到了她超自然的力量,于是邀请霍莉去帮助一个互助小组,结果发现这个女孩的出现改变了所有人。
2022 剧情片 其它
2022 剧情片 其它
  Anna is a 35-year-old single mother and a paramedic. One morning, as Anna is on the way to drop her daughter Katia at school, Katia is hit by a car. While her daughter is in a coma, Anna is informed that the driver was 18-year-old Marina, the daughter of a rich family. Marina’s mother is running for mayor and is willing to pay whatever to sweep the situation under the rug. The deal between the two parts is signed, yet is soon set off the table when the young girl suddenly dies.  Anna turns her grief into a search for justice, a fight against courts, police, and the hospital she works for. When Marina is found not guilty, Anna realizes that it’s not just the rest of the world that has let her down, but her own family as well. Now her quest for justice gradually becomes a quest for revenge…
2023 动作片 其它
  男孩(比尔·斯卡斯加德 饰)天生聋哑,但拥有丰富的想象力,某天,他的家人遭到统治这个国度的暴君希尔达(法米克·詹森 饰)杀害,男孩因此逃到丛林内,接受一位神秘萨满的训练,压抑自己幼稚的想象力,化身为无坚不摧的杀人机器,只为了替家人复仇⋯
2021 喜剧片 其它
  Jules Claus has fully embraced Christmas and his future as Santa is ensured. Together with his grandfather Noël they are on their way to prepare for the best Christmas ever. With Christmas at their doorsteps everything runs smoothly until Jules gets a letter with a very unusual wish..
2020 战争片 其它
2018 剧情片 其它
  14岁的莉莉丝的生活与一个正常的青少年相似,但也有一个特点:她是魔鬼的女儿,和他一起生活在地狱里。因为她在那里完全无聊,想玩得开心,想探索世界,所以她和父亲订了一个协议:允许她去地球一个星期,但她必须把好人变成坏人。如果她在这一挑战中取得成功,她可能会永远留在地球上;否则她将陷入地狱般枯燥的工作,簿记在黑社会。  The life of 14-year-old Lilith is similar to that of a normal teenager, but there is a peculiarity: she is the daughter of the devil and lives with him in hell. Because she is totally bored there and wants to have fun and explore the world, she makes a pact with her father: she will be allowed to go to earth for a week – but she has to convert a good person to evil there. If she succeeds in this challenge, she may stay on earth forever; otherwise she will be stuck in a hell of a boring job bookkeeping in the underworld.
2021 喜剧片 其它
2018 剧情片 其它
  Tony, a visiting Italian, meets Oscar in a Copenhagen bar. What seems like a one-night stand becomes more complicated and the two men form a fragile friendship based on mutual loneliness.
2023 恐怖片 其它
  In Nightwatch the sequel, Emma, a medical student, takes on a nightwatch job in the forensic department. And it is no coincidence. Since the fatal night-30 years earlier, when psychopathic inspector Wörmer almost killed Emma's parents, who were saved at the very last minute by their friend Jens, her family has been haunted by this horrific memory. Her mother Kalinka, actually committed suicide when Emma was 10 and her father Martin is still the shadow of himself.  The young woman decides to investigate what happened in her parents’ past. Upon meeting with Wörmer, Emma wakes him from his coma, and unintentionally initiates a bloody revenge on all of those who sealed Wörmer’s destiny.
2023 恐怖片 其它
2023 剧情片 其它
2023 剧情片 其它
2019 科幻片 其它
  在我们的孩子时代,不断升级的气候变化正在使世界经济翻天覆地。随着农作物的死亡和食品价格的飙升,食品已取代石油成为世界上最有价值的商品。在仅存的几块土地中,印尼正迅速崛起成为下一个经济超级大国,当时印尼政府突然被一个广受欢迎的流氓政党皮拉纳斯无情地取代。  安加·萨普特拉,一位雄心勃勃的前海军陆战队议员,后来成为了皮拉纳斯的国会议员,他有一个主要的指示:控制人民的士气和服从,阻止任何可能激怒皮拉纳斯党的地下反叛组织。尤其是一个自称为“改革”的大集团。  安加被迫与一个老对手维斯努(wisnu)联合作战,这个老对手是一个冷酷无情的准军事领导人。在这次行动中,一个单独的安哥拉被一组改革组织截获、俘获并拖到地下。但安加并没有遇到敌人,反而遇到了他所谓的死去的未婚妻,一位曾获奖的现场记者,萨里·尼尔马拉。在那里,安加了解到,该党一直在撒谎,并以牺牲自己人民的饥饿为代价出口了大量的农产品。  当维斯努突然攻破改革安全屋时,安加别无选择,只能拯救萨里和其他人并逃跑,从而宣布他是一个叛徒和皮拉纳斯党的敌人。  除了奥吉、巴拉、伊桑和蒂诺,还有一个神秘的沉默改革刺客,这名刺客只知道自己的名字,斯派克。六人一起发现了皮拉纳斯和维斯努的新的邪恶计划:一个虚假的旗帜攻击,有效地消除了全国政府中所有改革和他们的同情者。批准的种族灭绝。  在短短的三天时间里,这六个人必须一起努力,找到他们早已失去的兄弟情谊,停止全国范围内的假旗攻击,拯救数百万人的生命,最后一次获得救赎。或者尝试死亡。
2024 恐怖片 其它
  Renate Reinsve and Anders Danielsen Lie see the dead come to life in a confidently executed zombie drama based on John Ajvide Lindqvist's acclaimed horror novel.  Fifteen years after Let the Right One In John Ajvide Lindqvist is back with an existentially high-octane horror film that leaves no one untouched. With emotional depth, visual power, and a perfect tone, director Thea Hvistendahl tells the story of three families recently left in grief after the passing of their loved ones. But suddenly, the power grid goes out, and the deceased start to move. Norwegian stars Renate Reinsve and Anders Danielsen Lie (both acclaimed for The Worst Person in the World) portray complex reunions and interrupted mourning processes, alongside Bahar Pars and Bjørn Sundquist, in a chillingly thought-provoking and truly remarkable horror drama.  源自:https://program.goteborgfilmfestival.se/en/program/handling-the-undead
2024 剧情片 其它
2023 剧情片 其它
1933 剧情片 其它
  一部曾被德国纳粹禁映的表现主义电影代表作!  本片是1922年《马布斯博士》上下集后的续集,有着浓厚的表现主义色彩。影片对纳粹和希特勒的影射非常明显,因此刚上映便遭禁。  本片讲述地下犯罪集团头目马布斯被抓到疯人院,但在那里依然口出狂言,发号施令,直到他死后,这些指令在外面仍有人执行,让警察百思不得其解……
2024 恐怖片 其它
2024 剧情片 其它
  《美丽的叛逆》是一部根据吉安娜·南尼尼的生活改编的电影,由 Indiana Production 负责制作,钦齐娅·TH·托里尼执导,莱蒂齐娅·托尼饰演这位意大利女性摇滚偶像,将于 5 月 2 日在 Netflix 上线。  本片带我们走近音乐界中最深刻而著名的声音之一,展现了她的生活片段。故事跨越三十年,从童年以及她的生活和事业的起源讲起,以她的奉献作为结尾。此间出现了一个转折点,把吉安娜的生活分成两部分,而这个节点被认为是她真正诞生的时间:1983 年。  《美丽的叛逆》将观众带入一位能够用诗歌和音乐塑造情感的女性的生活和创造思维之旅。这是一位独特、革命性的艺术家,不被任何体系和定义所束缚,不断追求灵感和转变,将音乐和自由作为她的宣言。  演员阵容还包括塞伦·卡拉马扎、毛里齐奥·隆巴迪、斯特凡诺·罗西·希尔达尼,以及饰演少年玛拉·马永基的安德烈亚·德洛古。
2023 喜剧片 其它
  社工蒂塔的家里住着太多边缘人:女友的两个女儿,一个人小鬼大满腹疑问,一个叛逆少女对世界愤恨;室友东尼在交友软件不停寻找下任,这次钓上的小鲜肉还算亲切诚恳;还有三两成群的离家女同志们,整天吵吵闹闹也勉强凑成一家人。直到女友诊断出癌症,蒂塔被迫负起母亲的责任,不仅为了收养得 跟东尼假结婚,还得对外人掩盖家中混居的复杂身份,身在作风保守的马其顿,他们该怎么维持这个拼凑家庭的平衡?
2023 恐怖片 其它
  When your mouth can't speak. The sins in the world are witnesses that produce the painful torment of Hell.
1982 欧美剧 其它
2023 剧情片 其它
  When the harmony in a village is threatened by outside elements, two sisters must fight to save their people and restore the glory of a mermaid goddess to the land.  源自:https://festival.sundance.org/program/film/638a1f6677dd3d8174806d1a
2023 恐怖片 其它
  When Edward’s search for his birth family takes him and his girlfriend Ryley to a magnificent villa high in the mountains of northern Portugal, he is excited to meet his long-lost mum and twin brother. Finally, he’ll be able to find out who he is and where he comes from. But nothing is as it seems, and Edward soon discovers that he is bound to them by a monstrous secret. First foray into horror by one of the surest assets of Portuguese cinema.  After the visual delirium of “Diamantino” that won him the Critics’ Week prize at Cannes, Gabriel Abrantes surprises with a more classic horror film around the mystery of family origins, but also following the Portuguese canon of country vs. city. Carloto Cotta in a double performance, Alba Baptista and Anabela Moreira in very challenging roles.  源自:https://poff.ee/en/film/amelias-children/
1978 恐怖片 其它
  苏珊(乌苏拉·安德丝 Ursula Andress 饰)的丈夫是一名人类学家,在一次前往非洲几内亚丛林的科学考察途中,他失踪了。为了寻找丈夫的下落,苏珊和弟弟亚瑟一起踏上了前往非洲的旅途,和他们一同上路的,还有研究院的爱德华教授(斯泰西·基齐 Stacy Keach 饰)。  在当地,苏珊一行人找了两个向导,引领着他们朝丛林深处进发,通过向导之口,他们得知,在丛林中,生活着非常可怕且残暴的食人族。一天,苏珊发现两名向导离奇死亡,爱德华教授也身受重伤,直到此时他们才明白过来,他们已经身处食人族的领地之中了。
2015 战争片 其它
2023 剧情片 其它
  Lucia is single mom of a little girl that loves Christmas, Leo. One night she falls in love on a blind date with Sergio, desperate of how to tell her daughter the news; tricks her by telling her that his new boyfriend it's actually Santa. Now the boyfriend has to prove himself and convince her and he does, but eventually she finds out. The illusion breaks but the magic remains so she visits Sergio in his restaurant to give him her letter, asking not toys but a family, and they both granted her wish.
2023 爱情片 其它
  A German woman goes to the town on the Red Sea where her Arab lover has just died. Beyond a simple story of mourning, the invention of an eerie port town by this young Jordanian filmmaker has Durassian echoes: the death of both a man and a city. The odyssey concludes in a hotel bar, backed by a popular Middle Eastern song.
2023 剧情片 其它